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Neon vibes
Mortal peril
Going underground
On the road
Neighbourhood watch
Hand made
Special offers
At the shops
Men at work
Shop signage
Signs so bad they're good
No talc on the dance floor
No smoking ashtray
Tea, Coffee, Pop Tarts
No cycling through the booking hall
Eel in Bum
Temporary plaques & signs
Do not feed the lion
Riff Raff
Creap creamy powder
Frying new potatoes
Meat adviser
Male tonic
Unattended children
Pigeon Dropping
Crinkly Ironing Service
I moved to avoid him but my smoke didn’t
Rim Wind
Panic Alarm
Fish & Hips
Caged hens
Barrier not fixed
Towel rail can/does
Love Closed
Beware Deep Mud
Lost Rabbit
Crunky Ball Nude
Lots of steps
Royal Wedding for Wines
A Piano Man
The secret of his smile
Mystic Truths
Pussy Parlour
Mattress Giant
Dress Barn Woman
The Best Burritos in Town
Dimebag woz ere
Enquiry bell
Eating instructions
Opens out
Please Speak Here
No fun
Walked the sand with crustaceans
Iconic portraits below
Swap for France
No arse on arts
His Lordship Launderette
Sly says Be Careful
Both Right Hands
Bargain Balls
Waggle or yank
Shopping trolley with chair
I’m Cold
Poo the spurs
If your shoes are wet from the rain outside
We need
New Fish Finger sandwich
ie not much
Push the door stronger
Erection Specialists
Unable to lift
Temporary Sign
Theatre Sex Toy Horror
Natty Yellow
Ten Thanks
End of survey
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